Monday, December 27, 2010

Getting bigger... with no signs of slowing down... so sad!

Dray is hanging in there as usual. Our poor little guy, is unfortunately, not little at all. He has put on so much weight. He seems pretty miserable lately. I'm trying really hard to put myself in his shoes: so much medication messing him up, hungry beyond your imagination, and carrying around tons of extra weight. These things cannot feel good to him and he seems down. He is not nearly as smiley and playful as he was. So, I ask him to smile, which makes me more sad because he can't smile because his cheeks are so full and big. I'm questioning all of his meds right now, but his EEG's look so good. I don't dare to take him off any of his meds when his EEG is cleared and when he does talk he talks so much better, and understands so much more. My heart just aches to have my happy, laughing, playful little guy back. So, with this mood of "missing him" in my heart I realize so many things that I miss about the old Dray pre-LKS. I miss just sitting down and reading books and having him repeat words and phrases back to me, I miss teaching him songs, I miss hearing him sing, I miss watching him really enjoy playing with other kids, I miss him being outgoing and asking other kids and adults questions and engaging with them, I miss telling him other people's names and having him be able to call new people by their names, I miss hearing him quote movie lines.... I could go on and on. They seem like such small little things that you would NEVER think about your child doing and loving it, but to me, for me to have that back would be so huge.

No more being sad. Moving forward. He is doing better and I have to just stay with that. Like I said he had another EEG that was cleared, yay! So, we continue to taper. We have an endocrinologist appointment January 12th. He has been on steroids over a year now, so we need to look at what that is doing to his body, and the endocrinologist helps with that. We go to Sacramento again on January 19th to check in with Dr. Chez. We will do another EEG before we go to make sure there are no changes in his EEG as we continue the taper. We are at 40 units a day right now for the ACTH. Dr. Chez says that he will continue to gain weight until we get down to 20 units. So, pray for Dray. This is hard, I pray that we are doing the right thing, and that this will all be worthwhile in the end. He is my little trooper. He sits right down for his shot everyday and chooses where he wants to put it. He rarely cries about it. He takes all of his medications and supplements (about 5) everyday with no fussing. He asks me if he can go to speech and to get a white hat at the hospital. I could not be more grateful for such a sweet little boy!


  1. Oh how we ALL love this precious little boy!!! And he's teaching us all so much! Thanks for sharing. Love you all! Carol

  2. Hi my name is Erika, I have a son who also has "classic" LKS. Your blog is wonderful, you share the good and the bad, both eloquently! Would you be okay with me including a link on my facebook group. Most of the members have children with other complications, but there are a few in very similar situations. If you would like to have a look at the group first it is simply called Landau-Kleffner Information and Support Group.
    Thank you

  3. Hello, my name is Tabitha and my daughter Krysla has LKS. She is 7 years old and currently doing well. Thanks for sharing your story. I just wanted to share with you that we have visited Miami Children's Hospital for her medical treatment. The Doctor that treated her is Ian Miller. I will be starting an informative blog on facebook in the near future just look for Krysla Miller. Also, Krysla is currently taking Valium, Topomax, and trileptal...its seems to be the best combo to date and seizures have now been controlled for 12 months. She has never taken steroid treatments yet her seizures are pretty controlled..we tried IVIG with no improvement and have put surgery on the 'back burner' for now ..feel free to email me anytime ....
