Monday, November 23, 2009

It's about time...

Finally an update. Life has been crazy... and with Dray it's had some ups and downs. We have tried really hard to stay happy and positive no matter how he is doing, and it does make a big difference. He wakes up everyday so happy. He helps Kate with getting her breakfast, he tells all of us he loves us everyday (many times a day), and he just laughs and smiles no matter what. The past couple of weeks have been tough though. He doesn't seem to understand ANYTHING we are saying to him. It's almost to the point that we have been completely reliant on signing to him. Luckily, he is still able to verbalize his wants and needs, and depending on the day will say quite a bit. So, at least he isn't to the point he was about a month ago when he couldn't even get a few words out. The other night we were working on some "why" questions. We looked at baby faces with different expressions and he had to tell me why they were sad, happy, etc. So, when I got to the scared baby, and asked him why the baby was scared his answer had me laughing pretty hard. He said "That baby is just like Dray, he's got robots in his room. They are in his closet. Is the fan a robot? Is it going to get me?" He just went on and on about the robots scaring the baby, and him for that matter. Such a strange relationship he has with robots... he is both admiring, but fearful of them. Every now and again I get a good glimpse into his thoughts. It is amazing because I can see that there is a lot of imagination and words in his mind, but it is so difficult to get them out and express them to us.

We laugh so hard at his creativity though. Here are some funny Dray creative moments:
  • Taking all of my Halloween pumpkins and putting them in the dirt because it's his garden
  • Attaching a rake to his bike because he is working in his garden with his trailer
  • Taking a vacuum out to the dirt because he needs to "clean the dirt" (can you tell he likes to play in the dirt)
  • Turning a diaper genie into a washing machine by putting clothes in it and then almost successfully putting water and soap in it too (good thing I caught him and there was no dirty diapers)
  • Dray and Tyson turning the shop vac into a vehicle and riding it down the street
Needless to say our neighbors are always telling me new ideas and projects he has going on outside. Seriously, he does something everyday that is so funny.

EEG results: Dray had an EEG on November 19th. We just got the results today that nothing has changed. We are pretty disheartened. Dr. Thompson is going to call us tomorrow to make some decisions on his treatment. We continue to be hopeful and just try to enjoy what a blessing Dray is in our home. He really is such a joy... despite it all. I can't lie and say that isn't frustrating for us. Kate told us the other day, "you need to stop yelling at Dray," that really made us stop. It is just so hard to get him to respond and get his attention. So, we are going to work on that,and just ALWAYS try to stay positive, have patience, and just adore every wonderful part about him.

1 comment:

  1. Love, Love, Love you guys and are so glad we get to be close (even if we haven't been able to see you the last couple weeks!) you know you can call for anything!
