Thursday, September 10, 2009

Interesting day!

Yesterday was an interesting day. I was having a bad day, not unusual, but not just feeling sad or down I was feeling so physically weak along with that. I felt such fatigue from everything: physically, emotionally, etc. I was trying to just get through another day, and right at that sad moment a very interesting phone call came. It was Dray's school teacher, Jamie Miller. She was so sweet and told me that she was going to miss Dray so much that she wanted to come see him once a week. This was so fascinating to me. I love Dray to death, but someone else having such a love for him was beyond anything I ever expected. We talked about him and at the end of our conversation she told me what an incredible and special little boy he is.... and how blessed I am to have him. I just broke down to this new stranger on the phone because of how blessed I felt at that moment that Dray had made such an impression and that someone could just love him like that for who he is... even with how hard it is to communicate with him at times. I know he is definitely a unique little guy and I do feel blessed, but sometimes I take him for granted because I am so focused on trying to get him better. I want him to be his old self so bad that I don't appreciate what I have right in front of my eyes.

Jamie and her 4 year old son, Kade came over later that day. Jamie is amazing and Kade was such a doll and played so well with Dray. I was so overwhelmed at this experience and so grateful for people in Dray's life that love him for who he is. After they left he was so full of life and energy. He was saying things he hadn't said in so long. You cannot ever underestimate what an impact love and acceptance can mean to this little boy. I know he feels that from Jamie and it made such a difference to Dray. Thank you Jamie and Kade!!


  1. That is the sweetest story! It made me feel so good!

  2. Hi, my name is Jessica Jones, I am friends with Janet Wright. She sent me your blog because she thought we could relate with each other. I have a one year old daughter who at five months was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms which is a form of epilepsy. I am not the best blogger but most of her story is on our blog at I have enjoyed reading your blog and appreciate your insights. You can email me at or call me at 720-939-5658 if you would like to to talk. My prayers are with you and your sweet little boy. Jessica
